March 2024 D.C. mayoral election

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The March 2024 mayoral election in Washington, D.C. was held on March 1, 2024 and ended on March 3, 2024. Incumbent major TotallyAleex did not seek re-election this term.

There were 4 major candidates in the election, one Freedom, one Publican, and two Independents. Independent candidate TheySinned was victorious in the election, very narrowly winning by just 1 vote and defeating close Publican contender Jsjsjbsd.

Election results

March 2024 D.C. mayoral election
<- March 3, 2024 -> May 2024
Candidate TheySinned Jsjsjbsd Zinpac AlexJCabot
Party Independent Publican Freedom Independent
Running mate koalastyll HenryWallace N/A N/A
Popular vote 81 80 69 15
Percentage 33.06% 32.65% 28.16% 6.12%

TheySinned turned victorious, winning by just 1 vote in defeating Publican opposition Jsjsjbsd. TheySinned ran on a platform that 'appealed' to criminals, supporting sanctioned 1v1 areas in D.C. so players could 1v1 without being arrested, supported carbomb possession, open carry, criminal rehab, team restructuring and judicial reviews.