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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Utils/doc

-- <nowiki>
local getArgs = require('Dev:Arguments').getArgs
local tabletools = require("Dev:TableTools")
local language = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

local p = {}

--% This function creates a wrapper function for use with #invoke.
--% When a function is meant to be usable both from other Lua modules and #invoke, performance can be improved, and the [[wikipedia:Module:Arguments|Arguments module]] avoided, by having a function (with name prefixed by an underscore) for use from modules and the debug console, and a function for use from templates or pages.
--@ func (function) a function that takes a table of named arguments
--: (function) a function that expects a frame and will call <var>func</var> with the arguments passed by the frame or its parent frame
function p.make_wrapper_function(func, postprocess)
    if postprocess then
        return function(frame)
            return frame:preprocess(func(getArgs(frame)))
        return function(frame)
            return func(getArgs(frame))

function p.trim_positional_arguments(args)
    local positional_arguments = {}
    local argn = 1
    local positional_argument = args[argn]
    while positional_argument do
        table.insert(positional_arguments, mw.text.trim(positional_argument))
        argn = argn + 1
        positional_argument = args[argn]
    return positional_arguments

function p.parse_number(num, error_if_invalid)
    if type(num) == 'number' then
        return num
    elseif type(num) == 'string' then
        local number = tonumber(language:parseFormattedNumber(num))
        if number then
            return number
        elseif error_if_invalid then
            return error(num .. " is not a valid number")
    elseif error_if_invalid then
        return error(tostring(num) .. " is not a valid number")

function p.format_number(number)
    return language:formatNum(number)

--% This function returns the first index found for a value in an array.
--@ array (table) the array to search in
--@ value (any) the value to look for
--: (number) the first index found with the value, or nil if the value was not found
function p.index_of(array, value)
    for i = 1, #array do
        if array[i] == value then
            return i

--% This function returns an array of all the indices found for a value in an array.
--@ array (table) the array to search in
--@ value (any) the value to look for
--: (table) an array with the indices found, may be empty
function p.indices_of(array, value)
    local indices = {}
    for i = 1, #array do
        if array[i] == value then
            table.insert(indices, i)
    return indices

--% This function returns the first key found for a value in a table
--@ t (table) the table to search in
--@ value (any) the value to look for
--: the key found, nil if no key was found with the value
function p.key_of(t, value)
    for k, v in t do
        if v == value then
            return k

--% This function returns an array of all the keys found for a value in a table.
--@ t (table) the table to search in
--@ value (any) the value to look for
--: (table) an array with the keys found, may be empty
function p.keys_of(t, value)
    local keys = {}
    for k, v in t do
        if v == value then
            table.insert(keys, k)
    return keys

--% This function returns whether an item is in an array.
--% If the table is not an array, use p.in_table.
--@ array (table) the array to search in
--@ item (any) the value to look for
--: (boolean) whether the item was found in the array
function p.in_array(array, item)
    for i = 1, #array do
        if array[i] == item then
            return true
    return false

--% This function returns a set from an array.
--% A set is a table with the values from the array in keys and boolean true in values.
--@ array (table) the array to convert
--: (table) a set
function p.array_to_set(array)
    local set = {}
    for i = 1, #array do
        set[array[i]] = true
    return set

--% This function returns a table that behaves like a set for an array.
--@ array (table) the array to create a set-like table for
--: (table) a table with a metatable that implements the set-like behavior
function p.array_to_set_metatable(array)
    local set = {}
    setmetatable(set, {
        __index = function(self, index)
            return p.in_array(array, index)
    return set

--% This function returns an array from a set.
--@ set (table) the set
--: (table) an array with all the values from the set
function p.set_to_array(set)
    local array = {}
    for value in pairs(set) do
        table.insert(array, value)
    return array

--% This function returns whether a value is in a table.
--% If the table is an array, p.in_array would be faster.
--@ t (table) the table to search in
--@ value (any) the value to search for
--: (boolean) whether the value was found in the table
p.in_table = tabletools.includes

--% This function returns an array with duplicates removed.
--@ array (table) the original array
--: (table) an array with the same items but duplicates removed
p.remove_duplicates = tabletools.removeDuplicates

function p.determine_old_page(frame)
    if os.time() - frame.args[1] > 15811200 then
        return true
    return false

return p